I got robbed and what I did about it.
It was end of August when I looked at my fence and noticed this piece of wood that was broken. Weird, I thought. I looked at my security camera and seen that hours before, at 4 am a lad jumped into our garden and efortlessly took my egg chair in his back and off he went with it. I immediately started shaking and burst into tears.
That chair had sentimental value for me. I've dreamt of having one for over 3 years and when I finally got it, it was my safe space. Every single sunny day after breakfast I would go outsite and lay in there, soaking in the sun. Sometimes I would read a book while I was relaxing in the chair, hearing the birds. It really got to me. That day I went from neighbour to neighbour to ask if they had cctv cameras, to ask if they heard something.
I checked ad after ad, marketplace, gumtree, any platform that they could have sold it on. Day after day, night after night I went patroling the streets with Nick hoping that we will find it, but we didn't. It was a distressing experience that left me angry and feeling hopeless for weeks, until I decided that I need to take action. We've talked for years about expanding our family with a dog and this was the perfect opportunity, so our final choice was a german shepherd- loyal, reliable, smart and extremly protective. This is how Alma came into our lives.
After that we decided that it was too easy for others to jump the fence, so we installed some sharp spikes.We bought them online and after placing them we put some signs of warning on the fence near them. Don't say we didn't warn you!
While I was looking at the footage with the guy taking my chair I realised that at some point the light near our home turned on as it had sensors- he didn't even care, he actually tried to have a good look at what was inside our living room, but the curtains were on. That's why we got an alarm system inside that's with movement sensors.
Also, to make sure that we'll try to make our home as safe as we can for ourselves, we decided that Patlock was the best solution as we've seen ads about it on police & neighbourhood watch websites and groups . It provides us with extra security and it's easy to use, it literally takes seconds for us to put on, take off. Patlock is easy to fit and works by holding the internal door handles secure, meaning the external handles cannot be operated. This ensures that the door mechanism remains in the locked position, even if the locks are snapped or removed. So we use it whenever we are out or at night. Better safe than sorry!
This is my experience from the end of summer 2020. Did anything similar happened to you?
If yes, what did you do about it?
*Patlock was a gifted product
How to Look Chic on Your Vacation
Have you ever walked into your wardrobe to pick your travel outfit but couldn't find something to take with you? The problem isn't that your closet is empty, but you can't match anything to your travel destination. This happens to most people when they travel, but it doesn't have to be the norm.
When visiting a new destination, you strive to look your best. However, you don't want to bring the entire wardrobe along, especially if going for a few days only. These simple tips on planning your trip can help you pick the right items.
Pack Your Old Favorites
Everyone has those clothing pieces in their wardrobe that are their favorite items. You love them because they not only make you look great but are easy to match with a variety of accessories. Ensure you pack them first before stuffing your suitcase with other items.
Regardless of how many times you’ve worn them before, you'll feel different about them while at your destination. Remember that the weather conditions might be different in the place you intend to visit and plan appropriately. You might want to bring some warm clothes for cold destinations and light ones for hot areas.
Bring Your Fashionable Basics
Another challenge with packing for a vacation is picking functional yet fashionable basics. Here, the idea is to look chic and comfortable without spending a fortune on new fashion items.
If you're a lover of jewelry back at home, don't be afraid to bring those pieces along on your travel. You might own a bunch of colorful button-ups, but they may not serve the purpose on your trip. Instead, pick pieces that will make you look good whether you're going for a dinner, business meeting, or casual lunch by the beach. They should be items that won't make your suitcase too bulky.
As a tip, pick enough sweaters, tops, blouses, long-sleeve shirts, pants, underwear, and dresses. It would help if you also packed enough pairs of shoes to last you the entire trip. Don’t forget to bring a pair of eyeglasses designed for travel, fashion, and style. You can get a wide variety to choose from at Eyeglasses.com.
Have a Chic Sling Bag
A sling bag is essential for easy organization of small essential items that you can with you everywhere. These include your lip gloss, eyeglasses, cash, credit cards, handkerchief, sunscreen, and mascara.
Let the color of the sling bag be such that it easily compliments all your outfits. Alternatively, you can bring more than one sling bag with you. The length of the strap should also be comfortable while keeping your bag safely near your hands for easy reach.
Don’t Forget Your Skin and Hair Care Products
Your skin and hair need care home and away. Although you may not spend much time on your hair while on vacation, it doesn’t mean you should neglect it. Bring a bottle of dry shampoo which you apply on the go before styling your hair.
Moisturizers for your skin, a bit of powder, and your regular makeup items are essential. Make sure to use some good-quality sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's rays.
Take Away
Packing for a vacation can be a challenge. However, you can establish a routine, especially if you’re a frequent traveler. Ensure you have outfits for every occasion and the accessories are carefully picked. Most importantly, don’t forget to bring your confidence; it’s the ultimate mark of looking chic on your vacation.
Things to consider when decorating your new flat
Yesterday I've spoken to my best friend about how things are going for her, how did her working environment change since the pandemic and how is she spending her weekends now that the restaurants and pubs are on the verge of closing- and her answer really surprised me. She told me that she doesn't have that much of a spare time because she is decorating her new apartment. She also complained how expensive things were and that the quality isn't actually reflected in the price.
With that in mind, I feel that most of my friends have recently bought a new flat or house - even close relatives of mine.When I bought my house everything was almost brand new, so I didn't have to go from shop to shop to design my perfect home.
Two months ago, when visiting Transylvania, I was asked to give my opinion with choosing pretty much everything that you need to completely redecorate a house. From door handles to toilets, we've spent in one shop roughly 2-3 hours.And there were plenty of shops to visit!
One of the hardest things to do was picking the right tiles and wood flooring . We've spend around one hour just staring at them and comparing the quality, price, shapes and sizes. I am very peculiar when choosing the wooden floor. It can completely change the look of a room in good or it can completely ruin it- depends on how your inner artist can mix and match it with furniture, colours and different objects.
If I want my room to look brighter, then I will always choose a light colour, such as white or light grey. If I want it to look more masculine or bold, then I will always go either for a very dark color such as chestnut or a very rustic look, I'll go for oak.
I will always go for a solid wood flooring, as there's where you can actually see the quality- it just lasts longer in time. And knowing that it's not cheap replacing your flooring, when you do it, you better do it right.
When redecorating your house, what was your hardest decision to make?
Charlotte Tilbury Mystery Box UK December 2019
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Setting Up A New Business: How To Increase Your Chances Of Success
If you’re looking to set up a new business, you may have come across some rather sobering statistics. It’s no secret that most new companies fail, but there are plenty that beat the odds and survive. If you’re preparing to launch a new venture, here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of success.
Picture credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-draw-a-light-bulb-in-white-board-3758105/
Research the market
A lack of demand for products and services is one of the most common reasons for new business failures. Before you invest time, money and effort into a new business, carry out extensive research. Analyse the market, find out who your competitors will be and define your ideal buyer. Look at sales figures and keep an eye out for emerging consumer trends and signs of growth. If the market is saturated or demand is falling, it’s best to think twice about trying to buck trends. Ideally, you want to tap into trends that are set to spiral and look for gaps you can fill.
Focus on customer service
When customers choose brands, they’re not just looking at the quality and price of services and products. They are also searching for the best value for money and they want to enjoy a positive experience. Prioritise customer service from day one. Treat every client like a VIP, add personal touches to make customers feel special and provide support. If you have consumers or business clients wanting to place an order with you, but they have questions, and they can’t get hold of an adviser or find answers on your website, you could lose out. Look into adding features to your site like live chat, and make sure you reply to emails, web enquiries and social media messages and comments promptly. Live chat is brilliant because it enables you to interact with customers and clients and provide instant responses. To learn more about business chat software, click here. If you run a business that depends on face to face contact, for example, you have a retail store, a restaurant or a hotel, it’s wise to consider offering staff training to maintain high standards of customer service and create the right first impression.
Spread the word
If you’ve got a fabulous new product or you’ve recently set up a brand new local business, you want to start accepting orders and booking jobs as soon as possible. Draw up a marketing strategy to spread the word and let customers know that you are open for business. Design and implement campaigns that target your ideal buyer and choose marketing techniques that will reach them and appeal to them. If you’re selling trendy clothes aimed at 16-35-year-olds, for example, social media marketing and SEO can help you drive web traffic and create a buzz around your products. If you’re offering dog walking, roofing or mobile hairdressing services, it’s a good idea to combine traditional and digital marketing methods. Flyering and local press adverts are a great way to generate leads, and you can also attract attention online using social media and local SEO. Over 85% of smartphone users will either visit or contact a business within 24 hours of completing an online search.
Image from https://www.pexels.com/photo/cheerful-young-woman-screaming-into-megaphone-3761509/
Launching a successful business is a challenge, but it can be done. Follow these steps to shorten the odds and put your brand name on the map.
Structure Yourself: How To Organise A Freelance Career
And this can be quite a shock to the system, especially when you are used to working a 9 to 5 career.
But if you are looking to get yourself into a freelance way of life or you've got no choice right now, what does it really take to get organised in the most effective sense?
One of the biggest mistakes many freelancers make is that they type up everything from scratch. It's important to get into the habit of working smart rather than working hard.
When it comes to various documents, whether they are legal or professionally oriented, there are resources like https://www.templafy.com/document-automation-software/ to take advantage of.
Organising your documents is all about ensuring these things are easy to access, especially when you need to get on with the task at hand.
When it comes to admin it's important to remember that, as frustrating as this can be, this is what will underpin your entire organisational prowess.
Time management is vital for any freelancer and on https://copywritercollective.com/5-reasons-why-time-management-is-important-for-a-freelancer/ there are some great reasons to understand.
But if you don't have a structure in place or a system to manage your time, you will soon realise the errors of your ways.
It doesn't necessarily have to be for the benefit of your working day but it could be a working method to ensure that you're not spending 12 to 14 hours a day on these tasks.
Resources like the Pomodoro method or getting an understanding of Parkinson’s law can provide you with some clarity in managing your time effectively.
And with Parkinson’s law, where the idea is that the work we do subconsciously fits the task, we can use this to our advantage by slowly tightening the deadlines.
We have to set aside personal time so we are are not stretching ourselves too thinly. Once you schedule something like downtime way in advance you will maintain productivity and it means that you won't be rushing around to try and fit in a break when it's all proving too much.
Breaks and downtime should be a key part of your schedule.
When we make the move to doing everything themselves, this is when we've got to truly get to grips with everything.
Best Family Phone Deals For You And Your Loved Ones
While they’re not wrong, there is one score that follows you around for your adult life and can impact your purchasing options: your credit score.
A credit score is a score ranging from 350-800 that determines your creditworthiness. In layman’s terms, it’s a track record for your spending and lending history.
The more you pay your bills on time and pay off any outstanding debts, the higher it goes, and vice versa.
Naturally, a low credit score can significantly limit your buying options, especially for higher-end investments like houses, cars, and even phones.
Today, we’re going to talk a little about how you can take advantage of these consumer-friendly programs that don’t discriminate against people with lower credit scores.
Because you’re paying monthly, mobile carriers are less likely to deal with the fallout should you be unable to make a payment.
The four leading mobile carriers in the U.S., Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T, all provide prepaid plans that typically run for less than their traditional programs.
Other smaller carriers offer only prepaid plans, like Boost Mobile and Cricket Wireless.
One of the perks of these smaller carriers is that they’re often owned by one of the more prominent carriers, therefore combining the coverage of a big carrier with lower prices. Talk about a win-win!
These were also the days when you needed a cosigner to do anything significant, such as renting an apartment or leasing your first car.
Fortunately, you can still opt for a cosigner even if you’re well into adulthood and stuck with a low credit score.
Of course, your cosigner will need to have a good credit score (that’s the whole point of having a cosigner). However, unlike an apartment lease, your name will not appear on the payment agreement--only your cosigner’s will.
If you’re interested in maintaining a friendship with your cosigner, though, you’ll want to make your payments on time.
Otherwise, your cosigner will have to foot the bill, which could sour any good feelings between you two pretty quickly.
One of these companies, FlexShopper, offers a list of payment plan options for the buyer.
You can choose to make weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly payments, which are spread over a year. To qualify for one of FlexShopper’s payment programs, you must be a U.S. citizen over 18 years old and also must have a monthly income of over $100.
Using FlexShopper is quite easy, too: log onto their website and create an account first. After filling out and submitting the application form, choose a phone, and wait for it to be delivered.
You will then sign a leasing agreement upon your new phone’s delivery. Pretty simple, right?
The only minor difference between FlexShopper and LeaseVille is that unlike FlexShopper, LeaseVille requires your social security number to sign up for its services, have an active U.S. bank account, and also have a consistent income.
There are plenty of viable options you can take advantage of to upgrade your phone, at least in the case of phones.
Even if you’re not so keen on the options mentioned here, it’s possible to join an existing family mobile plan with no additional credit check.
As you can see, a low credit score is not the obstacle you’d expect it to be when buying a new phone, and knowing there are companies out there ready to help you purchase a new phone should reassure you.
How Our Broadband Choice Affects Our Netflix Binges
Last Minute Christmas Gifts
Yesterday I've been having so many contradictory thoughts when thinking what should I buy for my husband.Christmas is getting closer and closer, the stores are getting more crowded than usual and the panic starts kicking in.
Over the last couple of years, I've always left the gift buying for the last moment.What can I say?! I'm a busy woman. :)
So, I have a few options that I think that my husband would like for Christmas.
Option number one: Today I went for a free eye check and surprise surprise, I will need to wear glasses every now and again, but what I want to say is that this place was next door to a pet shop. My husband is crazy after fish.We've had fish when we were and after we finished Uni, and he never stops reminding me of how much he misses having a tank with small fish. Extremly relaxing and fun to look at,but we don't have the time to care after them.Also,the humidity from the tank makes me have second thoughts.
If your partner is a technology geek- just like mine is - then the gift choice is pretty clear.
Let me explain to you how Nick is - when he wants something, there's no review left unread for the products, Nick has to know everything: specifications,cost, efficiency how the competition presents itself.Therefore, I cannot dissapoint-I have to do the same thing.This leads me to option number two: a fitness tracker. Not only that he likes being active, but he used to play professional basket ball a few years ago and still enhoys doing sports.Luckily,I found a website that reviews, compares and contrasts only the best quality smart watches out there, so I got my eye on a few products.
Option number three: Going on a holiday. I've been praying to go on a holiday ,just the two of us for almost one year, but 2019 was...hecktic to say the least, you know that we have our own business now, Nick Calini Photography &Videography and that's extremly time consuming.We love love love what we do, but many times this means that we will spend more time together indoors editing and less time travelling and just chilling. It all comes with a cost,so booking a holiday might not be the best idea right now, but it's still something on my mind.
Please do let me know, did you manage to buy the Christmas presents?Can you give me any ideas,which option should I pick?? :)

About me
- Cupcake Splendens
- B E A U T Y , F A S H I O N , L I F E S T Y L E + T R A V E L B L O G G E R currently living in LEEDS, UK . CONTACT ME : CUPCAKESPLEND@YAHOO.CO.UK