NOTD: Blue Suede Shoes G GalBl
Buna,dragii mei!Din nou,imi cer iertare pentru absenta,s-au intamplat atatea lucruri intr-o perioada destul de scurta de timp!O parte din motivele pentru care nu am mai postat pe blog sunt faptul ca am avut licenta,apoi m-am mutat si am stat vreo 3 saptamani internet-less pana au binevoit cei de la RDS sa imi instaleze internetul.Promit ca nu va mai parasesc si am pregatit postari noi noute(sunt in urma rau cu ele!).
Astazi vreau sa va prezint prima mea oja holografica pe care am ajuns sa o iubesc,de la Glitter Gal Australia.
E o oja superba,care se numeste Blue Suede Shoes.
Cu blit:
Blue Suede Shoes by Glitter Gal Australia |
La soare:
Ce spune producatorul despre produs:
· Australian Made
· Two sizes to select either - 15ml which are beautifully boxed in premium packaging or our 10ml size
· Glitter Gal uses the highest quality, most extravagant ingredients to offer our customers the most superior polish on the international market.
· Long wearing polish, chip resistant, quick drying with a full gloss finish;these give a true linear holographic finish - “multidimensional”
· We use “true and premium” holographic small particles in our formulation
· We believe our holographic polishes are the best on the market.
· Smoothness to the finish, not bulky
· No top coat is required
· “Big 5 Free”, cruelty free and Vegan friendly
· We ship internationally
Mi-a placut faptul ca se usca destul de repede,particulele de sclipici sunt foarte marunte si arata superb,iar oja e destul de rezistenta,auzisem ca sunt oje holografice care nu tin nici macar 2 zile pe unghii,dar aceasta a tinut 4 zile perfect,avand in vedere ca stateam zilnic cateva ore cu mainile in apa.
Mi-ar placea sa incerc si o oja holografica mai inchisa la culoare,puteti vedea AICI si celelalte oje marca G Gal.
Puteti achizitiona oja Blue Suede Shoes de AICI.
I liked that it dries quickly,the glitter particles are very small and look gorgeous and the nail polish is quite resistant , i heard that there are holografic nail polishes that won't last 2 days, but this one stayed on my nails for 4 days perfectly, considering that I stay a few hours each day with my hands in the water.
I'd like to try a darker holographic nail polish, you can see HERE other G Gal products.
You can buy Blue Suede Shoes from HERE.
Ce parere aveti despre oja Glitter Gal?Ati mai incercat oje holografice?