Hot Trend: Flash Tattoos

It's summer,it's hot outside,it's festival season...and no festival season is complete without Flash Tattoos!
This is the newest,hottest trend and I just had to give it a shout.

I received in my Flash Tattoos in the latest edition of Glossybox before going to Spain on holiday,so I had the chance to wear them at the beach.
This is how you apply a Flash Tattoo:

1.Cut the model that you want to use

2.Apply the model on your clean skin so it can stick well

3. Put water on it for 1 min

4.Remove the paper

5.Let it dry for 1-2 mins

Now that was simple!I think that it looks gorgeous!

Show me your Flash Tattoos!:D

Oh well...

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Latest shopping - Victoria's Secret ,Essence and Sports Direct


I am so happy right's SALE season! Sales,sales everywhere!!
You can't resist the temptation,believe me; small prices , nice things,I had to do a little bit of shopping.
This is what I bought:

Sports Direct
The store is closing,so they're having huge discounts.I always need more tops,it seems that I never have enough/can't find them when i need them so 2 tops for 6 pounds was a steal.I had to buy them... and look at the colors!Love them.

From Wilko I bought this gorgeous Essence Lipstick .The color is nude-ish,and it was super cheap,around 2.80 .

Victoria's Secret favourite shop!All the panties were for only 5 pounds so I had to buy quite a few,and I also bought a very sexy corset that was 50% off, and I payed for it 44.50 .

I was also looking for wedding rings but they are so expensive...I'll leave that for now.

What's your favourite store/brand?

When it's time to throw away your makeup - Makeup Expiration Dates

...even if it's your favourite one

This morning I realised that I had to do it...things are just not working out between us anymore.
So I've trown my favourite eyeliner...and bought a new one!
Do you know when it's time to let go of your old favourite eyeliner and replace it with a new one?
These are the signs that you should buy a new eyeliner:

When you use it for more than 3 months
It is well known that using a liquid eyeliner on a daily basis makes the bacteria flourish in the tube,so the best thing to do is to replace your old liquid eyeliner with a new one every 3 months.

When the texture has changed/it feels different on your skin
Every time you use the product  air  goes inside it,which means that your eyeliner will dry.
When you apply your eyeliner on your skin and see that the texture is no longer as it used to be and the quality of the product is significaly less,you need to replace it.

When the color has changed
I think it's no need to add anything...Say goodbye to it! :)
In this picture I tried to remove it only with water.You can clearly see that the old one is not so resistant anymore...

By the way,this is my favourite eyeliner.It's my 6th bottle and I will continue using the same brand,same product,I simply love it . :)
I normally buy it from Wilko.

Do you have a favourite eyeliner?Which one is it?

June Glossybox

I just came from my vacation ,I went to Spain with my fiance and we had a blast!
I'm very happy that we got to spend a little time together ,relaxing and making some new memories! :D
Right on time,last week I received my favourite beautybox, which is Glossybox .
Are you curious what is inside the box?

I am very happy that I received my Flash Tatoos before going on vacation,I will show you how to apply them in another blog post.

Kueshi Anticellulite Booster-I must be honest,I do not believe in anticellulitic creams,I think that cellulites goes away only with hard work,lots of sport and a balanced diet.I will try this product and I will tell you if I see any results.

Monu Spa Mist-Oh I love this product!Smells like roses and lemon,I will use this product everyday.

Halo Fragrance free facial wipes- perfect for roadtrips.It's a must have!

Essence- I usually like Essence products,but this time I was not happy with the color,I would have prefered any of the other 2 colors.Maybe next time :)

I really liked this months beauty box,because most of the products I took them with me on the flight.

What do you think of this month's Glossybox?
